Monday, March 10, 2008

NOLA - First Impressions

Liz and I are part of a group of fifteen Unity Church members here in New Orleans for a week of pilgrimage. This is a pilgrimage, more than a service project, because while we are doing rebuilding work, we are also invited to witness, to reflect, and to share our experiences with this devastation and suffering.

Our first day involved a driving tour through much of the city, exposing us to a small part of the devastation. Even two and a half years later, vast areas of rawness and destruction remains, and immense numbers of people are affected. This immensity is the hardest thing for me to grasp. We are also reminded how close to the edge of disaster we all are. It is only a matter of degree. Even though we may think we have financial resources, family connections, government support, and we have followed the scout motto, 'be prepared', the bottom may drop out at any time. This is a humbling realization for me, and it reminds me to be grateful for all the ordinary times, as well as the good times. I am reminded of this especially in this town that very dearly wants to "Let the good times roll!"

Photo: Ninth ward near levee break; only a few houses remain.

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