Friday, December 07, 2007

Before the MFC

Last week, I appeared before the Ministerial Fellowship Committee. This meeting is an important step in the path to UU ministry. It has been compared to a thesis defense, so now I know how hard those defenses must be! I was quite nervous going into this process, even though I prepared carefully, and employed various practices to calm down. When I waited on the platform waiting for the train to go into San Francisco for the meeting, I told myself, "Notice this anxiety. You will never feel this particular anxiety again."

I had a grueling hour with the 9 person committee. This started with me giving a sermon to an intentionally stone-faced audience, which was not easy for me, who craves connection with the listeners. This was followed by detailed and probing questions. Then the wait in another room while the decision about my future in ministry is made. Fortunately I waited in the company of a dear friend in ministry, who served as chaplain for the morning for us candidates.

I received a '2' in the parlance of the committee, which clears me for preliminary fellowship (i.e. I can look for a job), provided I work on certain aspects of my development that they had concerns with. I am quite happy with this grade-B result. I am able to move forward in my career, and at the same time, I received some valuable ego decompression. After all this, it was so good to connect with a handful of school buddies for pizza, beer and celebration.

Photo by Andrea Dell'Amico

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