Friday, January 11, 2008

More Blogging at 'Unity Men'

I'm working with Justin on the Unity Men's Retreat, on February 22 - 23, and decided to start another blog, Unity Men (, to more effectively provide information on this event and other men's programming. Since the Unity website will likely be in transition and redesign during the time up to the retreat, we wanted more access and control of the information we put on the web. It's another experiment.

In a discussion with the Elders group yesterday, we touched on blogging. We were talking about journaling, and I mentioned that I blog. While none of this group blog, they were all very aware of the dangers of putting information out into cyberspace that one would later regret. I'm glad they have that awareness; I know that elders are often targeted for fraud, and much of that these days is computer related. Yet I hope some of the elders may find these tools useful as a way to stay connected with their families and perhaps leave a somewhat more accessible and permanent written legacy than cards and letters might represent.

Photo from an earlier Unity Church Men's retreat.

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