One of the bloggers I follow, Sean Carroll at Cosmic Variance, had a pointer to another blogger, Robin Hansen at Overcoming Bias, whose author asked the question above. The two writers suggest scientific discoveries like "quantum mechanics", or the "fact that the same rules govern both living beings and inanimate matter."
When I think of 'surprising' as 'wondrous', I reach toward a more basic learning. To me, it is surprising and wondrous how big and rich and complex our universe is. This is beyond the imagination of even the most creative dreamers, both past and present. It suggests to me that we should not put too much faith in pretending to know things that are unknown, for we will continue to be surprised. This is why acceptance of the mystery of the unknown is so important to my spirituality.
How might you answer the question: What is the most surprising thing we've learned about the universe?
Photo by DJMcCrady